In case you don't know me very well, I decided to put up one of those surveys
Name: Audrey Kaiyuan Fok Nickname: Odd,
Bat girl, Chinita, many others Single or Taken: Single Sex:
Female Birthday: August 21, 1987 Sign: Leo Siblings: One older brother Shoe size: 8 Height: 5'4 What are you wearing right now: PJs Where do you live: Torrance and soon to be Goleta Righty or lefty: Right Relationships: I want one Who
are your closest friends? Vanessa, Brad, Martha, Young, Mark Best place for a date: I
don't really have a preference, but being the movie freak I am, I say movies! Where is your fav place to shop: Right now....American Eagle, Gap, Banana Republic Do
you have any tattoos or piercings: 4 piercings, soon to be 5
Fav’s: Color: Red and Black Number: 4 or 2 Boys Name: Caleb
or Ethan Girls Name: Ariel Subject in school: History or English Animal: Any animal in the cat
family, penguins, and bears Drink: Calpico,
Ramune, Milk, Coke, Orange Soda Sports: Basketball food: Seafood, japanese food, italian Months: December, August,
November Band/Singer: Alexisonfire,
30 Seconds to Mars (currently), and Radiohead (currently) Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
and The Professional Breakfast: anythign I can find. Usually cereal Favorite cartoon character: Gir and Daria
Have you ever: Given anyone a bath: yes, my ex cat Skittles Smoked: yes Bungee Jumped: no Made yourself throw up: Yeah, because I had to puke but it wouldnt come out, so
I forced it out. Gone skinny
dipping: Nope Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: On accident and on purpose Eaten a dog biscuit: No Got your tongue stuck to a pole: No Loved someone so much it made you cry? No Broken a bone:
No Played truth or dare: Yeah Been in a physical fight: Against my bro Been in a police car: No Come close to dying: Yeah, I almost
fell off a cliff on an ATV Been in a sauna: Yes Been
in a hot tub: Yes Swam in the ocean: Yes Fallen asleep in school: Of course, I sleep everyday in class. Broken
someone's heart: I don't know Cried when someone died: Yes Flashed
someone: No Cried in school: Yes, 6th grade Fell
off your chair: No Sat
by the phone all night waiting for a call: Sort of, it was next to me. Saved AIM conversations: Yes
Saved e-mails: Only for important ones Fallen for your best friend?: Sorta Been cheated on? Not that I know of....*shifty eyes*
thing that comes to mind:
Red: blood Blue: Sky Autumn: Leaves Cow: Moo Greenland: Cold
What is:
Your good luck charm: Don't have one What’s your room like:
Messy and very plain What
is beside you: My computer (im on the laptop) Last thing you ate: Curry chicken and fried
rice What kind of shampoo
do you use? Loreal Vive Something that has happened to you this year: Lots of
stuff....I tried lots of stuff....I think this has been my most corrupt year. Worst thing
that has happened this year: Drama
Had Chicken pox: Yeah Had
Sore Throat: I used to have sore throats quite frequently Believe in love at first
sight? No Like picnics: Sure Like school: We'll see.... What school: UC Santa Barbara Loved anyone: My friends and family!!
Would you:
-- Eat a live hamster: No --Go to a Hanson concert: hell no --kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: yes -- If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want to be with: Friends, Family, and a nice
guy --If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt
them if they found out, would you tell them: Yes.
Who was the last person:
touched? Martha? iono You massaged: Vanessa?
iono You Kissed? My stuffed bear,
brownie!! hahah! You yelled at: I
dont know Who broke your heart: Meh Who told you they loved you: My friends Is your loudest friend: Vanessa
Do you/Are You: Do you
like filling these out: Not really Do you wear contacts or glasses: Both, but mostly
contacts Do you like
yourself: Sure Do you get along with your family: Not really Do
you do Drugs: I have, but not on a regular basis Have piercings below the waist?
Nope Stolen anything over 50$: Nope Obsessive?:
Depends Anorexic? Hell no Depressed? Sometimes Suicidal? Sometimes
Final questions
What did you do yesterday: Watched lots of tv, and hanged
out with Martha Got any awards: Sure Married: nope If
you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: My temper, attitude, self centeredness (sometimes),
selfishness, body, and...the list goes on!! Good actor?: I wouldnt know, but I would
love to take an acting class. Have a lava lamp: Nope How many remote controls are in your house: Oh
god....11....We have many TVs Are you double jointed: I dont know....Does ur thumb count??
I have severe hitchiker's thumb. What do you dream about: Zombies alot Last time you showered: Yesterday night Last time you took a bath: can't remember The last movie you
saw at the theatres: Hustle and Flow Scary or happy movies: Both, but mostly happy Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr. Pepper Mud or Jell-O wrestling: neither Silver
or Gold: White Gold Diamond
or pearl: Diamond Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset Phone or
in person: In person, for sure. Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest
Random Info About Me:
Favorite Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, The Professional, Garden State, Requiem for
a Dream, Sin City, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Gone with the Wind, 28 Days Later, Donnie Darko, Schindler's List
Actors/Actresses: Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Charlize Theron, Morgan Freeman, Cillian Murphy, Christian Bale, Kate Hudson,
Natalie Wood, Lucille Ball, Cary Grant, Rock Hudson, James Dean
Favorite Directors: Darren Aronofsky, Luc Besson,
Danny Boyle, Francis Ford Coppola
I currently have an obsession with the band 30 Seconds to Mars, and especially the
lead singer Jared Leto.